Phantoms Charities Sled Hockey Coach

Phantoms Charities Sled Hockey

Hockey is for everyone! 

Phantoms Charities presents Sled Hockey is for youth (ages 5-17) with mobility challenges.

Volunteers are an integral part of the team.  Volunteers must know how to skate and must own their own skates.  Bring other equipment if you have it and prefer it, otherwise a helmet will be provided for you.  All volunteers must wear a helmet when on the ice at all times.  We invite siblings, family members, season ticket holders, and community members to be volunteers.  In the interest of safety of our athletes and families, all required volunteer paperwork must be submitted, in its completion, prior to attending a practice. 

You may be able to be reimbursed for volunteer costs as funding is available on a first come, first serve basis.  Feel free to ask about this option; you must maintain and submit all receipts.


Offer team welcome at the start of practice that invites and motivates players each week; supports families in learning about equipment and gearing up athletes for being on and off the ice; plan and facilitate practices; offer team closing message that summarizes each practice day’s strengths, thanks players and families, and reminds them of schedule; support and encourage athletes’ skill development as well as their sense of community and belonging on the team.

COACH Training & Volunteer Requirements

Requirements may take up to about 6 hours total to complete 

Once you have completed all requirements – except for the Coaching Education Program Certification Clinic Requirement – and have those items ready for upload, fill out the form below to register as a Coach.