Premier Member Opt-Out Opt Out 25-26 Full Name of Member(s)PhoneEmail Are you interested in keeping some of your seats? (partial opt out)YesNoPlease select ALL reasons for why you initially became a Phantoms Premier Member: I am a hockey fan I am a Phantoms fan/Flyers fan Location Price Arena Benefits Other Please select ALL reasons you no longer want to remain a Premier Member: Price is too high Team performance Arena (food/beverage, staffing, etc.) Live too far away/moved Personal health I am buying tickets elsewhere Team front office (business) Other Please select your TOP REASON for no longer wanting to continue your Premier Membership and provide detail:Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with your Phantoms Premier Membership experience? Extremely satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied On a scale from 0 – 10, based on your experience, how likely are you to recommend the Phantoms to a friend or colleague?0 (not at all likely)12345 (somewhat likely)678910 (extremely likely)What could we have done to make your Premier experience better?How interested are you in Premier Member packages in the future? Not at all Interested Somewhat Interested Extremely Interested How interested are you in partial plan packages in the future? Not at all Interested Somewhat Interested Extremely Interested How interested are you in voucher plan packages in the future? Not at all Interested Somewhat Interested Extremely Interested How interested are you in single game tickets in the future? Not at all Interested Somewhat Interested Extremely Interested I confirm that I would like to opt out of my current Premier Membership and all associated benefits. (please type your name in the box below)